About Us
Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok is located at 812 Peninsula Blvd in Woodmere, NY. The shul strives to build strong ties among its members as well as with the entire Five Towns community. Starting in August 2008, Rabbi Zvi Ralbag became the Rav of the shul, leading the kehilla to new levels of torah and middos with chochmah and warmth. From 2002 - 2008, Rabbi Shalom Rosner was the first Rav of the shul.
We encourage you and your family to continue to join us for Shabbossim, shiurim, and community activities!
Directors and committees
Rabbi Zvi Ralbag
Dovid Friedman
Board of Directors
David Hersh
Lester Katz
Ira Landsman
Moish Spinner
Mordy Schwartz
Tzvi Statfeld
Vice President
David Hersh
Jeffrey Mann
Sisterhood Pres.
Ruchie Osofsky
Ruchie Hoffman
Shuli Statfeld
Menachem Kagan
Jeffrey Mann
Mordy Schwartz
Moish Spinner
Youth Dept
Judd Boczko
Eli Cohen
Shlomo Katz
Yakov Moskowitz
Rabbi Jay Nathanson
Berel Daskal
Howard Hahn
Danial Jacobson
Steve Landau
Bruchie Norensberg
Chaim Weider
Shonie Schwartz
David Yastrab
Sarah Yastrab
Jeffrey Mann
Dani Schwartz
Tzvi Statfeld
Bedek Habayis
Heshy Shtern
Itzy Katznelson
Mayer Maltz
Menachem Kagan
Yakov Moskowitz
Duvi Neiman
Building Dept
Moshe Jacobowitz
Lester Katz
Yisroel Respler
Moti Shiffer
Heshy Shtern