Welcome to Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok
Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok (CBEY), under the leadership of Rabbi Zvi & Rebbetzin Paghit Ralbag, strives to be a warm and caring community shul that encourages davening and Torah study. Founded in 2000 in Woodmere, NY by families from varied yeshiva backgrounds, CBEY has grown to over 100 families, all dedicated to the ideal of living meaningful Jewish lives.
2024-2025 Membership Dues
Membership: $1,200 per family
Associate Membership: $750 per family
Tefilos for Shidduchim
The CBEY Shidduch Committee will distribute a list of names of singles to daven for over the Yomim Noraim. Names will be collected until Friday, September 13th. The committee will distribute a beautifully printed card in shul over Rosh Hashannah. To enter someone, please use the Google Doc here to fill in the name.
(1) Hebrew Tehillim Name in both Hebrew and English. ie: Sarah Bas Rivka / שרה בת רבקה
(2) Last names will not be listed
Siyum Mishnayos Initiative
The Shul will be learning all of Mishnayos as an Aliyah for the Neshamos who perished on October 7th.
The first sign up list is available here.
The second sign up list is available here.
All men and boys, even those under Bar Mitzvah, are encouraged to participate in this special endeavor. The shul will have a Siyum on the Yahrtzeit this Shmini Atzeres. Artscroll pocket-size mishnayos are available for those participating. Please speak to Menachem Kagan at (917) 434-5768 with any questions.
Siyum Tehillim
In conjunction with the men’s siyum mishnayos on Shmini Atzeret, the sisterhood is planning a women’s siyum on Sefer Tehillim in memory of those who tragically lost their lives on October 7th. Every woman and girl is encouraged to participate by using this link to sign up for one of more perakim of Tehillim to learn in more depth.
CBEY thanks the Koegel family for graciously sponsoring the shul's electricity for chodesh Elul l'zecher nishmas Yitzchok ben Nizhah and Chaim Baruch ben Zavel.
Fri, September 13 2024
10 Elul 5784
Today's Calendar
Daf Yomi : 6:10am |
Shacharis : 7:00am |
Shacharis : 8:00am |
Candle Lighting : 6:45pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:56pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Ki Seitzei
Shabbos, Sep 14 |
Daf Yomi, Weekdays at 6:10am, Sunday at 7:10am, Shabbos at 8:10am
Amud Yomi, Weeknights at 8:30pm
Daf Yomi Chaburah, Weeknights at 9:30pm
B'Iyun Shiur, Wednesday nights at 9:30pm
Join Our Mailing List
Kiddushim and Simchas
Sponsor a Shul Kiddush
To use the shul for a simcha or to sponsor a kiddush, please contact Dani Schwartz.
Simcha Calendar
To add an event to the shuls simcha calendar, please send an email to cbeysimchas@gmail.com. Please speak with Jeff Mann with any questions. Please speak to Moshe Spinner for the shul's simcha rules and contracts.
If you would like to sponsor a hashkama minyan kiddush, please contact Shmuli Koegel or Lester Katz.
Private Simchas for Members
For private simchas, the cost for a one time use of the shul (weekday or one shabbos meal) is $350. For use of the shul for both shabbos meals, the cost is $700. Shul use is for Members or associate members only.
For details as to which caterers are allowed, shul rules and regulations, please speak with Jeff Mann.