Welcome to Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok
Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok (CBEY), under the leadership of Rabbi Zvi & Rebbetzin Paghit Ralbag, strives to be a warm and caring community shul that encourages davening and Torah study. Founded in 2000 in Woodmere, NY by families from varied yeshiva backgrounds, CBEY has grown to over 100 families, all dedicated to the ideal of living meaningful Jewish lives.
Adopt a Kollel
Our shul has the zchus to partner with Kollel Choseh Mishpat in Eretz Yisroel providing us the opportunity to have a consistent connection to toras Eretz Yisroel and the zchusim that come along with it. Last year, our shul was able to send $5,000 a month to the kollel. The shul encourages every member to participate in whatever level they are comfortable with. Click here to join the campaign. If anyone has any questions or comments, please reach out to any of the gabaim: Alan Botwinick, Jason Osofsky or Mordy Schwartz.
Baruch Dayan Emes
We regret to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Charlotte Landau (שעינדעל) A'H, beloved mother of Steve Landau.
Steve will begin sitting shiva on Motzei Shabbos through at least Sunday morning at the Leonardo Plaza, King George Street, Suite 1524, Jerusalem. He will continue the rest of the shiva at the Landau residence in Antwerp through Thursday morning. Steve can be reached on his cell: 212-729-6133. Please note that Belgium is six hours ahead. המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
We regret to inform you of the petira of Mr. Moishe Marcovich Z”L, ישראל משה בן יחזקאל ע״ה, beloved father of Chana Schwartz. Shiva will be observed in Mexico. Chana can be reached at 917-873-9917. המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר ציון וירושלים
Mazel Tov!!
Mazel Tov to Zahava and Tzvi Goldstein on the engagement of Meira to Lev Cohen!. May the family be zoche to build a bayis ne'eman b'yisroel.
CBEY thanks Ira and Sara Landsman who have graciously sponsored the shul's electricity for chodesh Teves l'zecher nishmas Chaya Malka bas Yosef HaCohen.
Mon, January 13 2025
13 Teves 5785
Today's Calendar
Daf Yomi : 6:10am |
Shacharis : 7:00am |
Shacharis : 8:00am |
Mincha/Maariv : 4:35pm |
Amud Yomi : 8:30pm |
Daf Yomi : 9:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Shemos
Shabbos, Jan 18 |
Daf Yomi, Weekdays at 6:10am, Sunday at 7:10am, Shabbos at 8:10am
Amud Yomi, Weeknights at 8:30pm
Daf Yomi Chaburah, Weeknights at 9:30pm
B'Iyun Shiur, Wednesday nights at 9:30pm
Join Our Mailing List
Kiddushim and Simchas
Sponsor Kiddush or Shalosh Seudos
Please sign up here to sponsor a Shabbos Kiddush or Shalosh Seudos. Note the reason (simcha, yahtrzeit name, etc.) you wish to include in the announcement. Please contact Dani Schwartz for Kiddush details. Contact Tzvi Statfeld concerning Shalosh Seudos.
If you would like to sponsor a hashkama minyan kiddush, please contact Shmuli Koegel or Lester Katz.
Simcha Calendar
To add an event to the shuls simcha calendar, please send an email to cbeysimchas@gmail.com. Please speak with Jeff Mann with any questions. Please speak to Moshe Spinner for the shul's simcha rules and contracts.
Private Simchas for Members
For private simchas, the cost for a one time use of the shul (weekday or one shabbos meal) is $350. For use of the shul for both shabbos meals, the cost is $700. Shul use is for Members or associate members only.
For details as to which caterers are allowed, shul rules and regulations, please speak with Jeff Mann.